Celebrating 2021
“When I was doing a placement for a 16 year old girl, it reminded me of when I was being placed into foster care. She was scared, reserved, and cautious of the new environment, which I could relate to all too well. At the same time, I also knew that because we are able to help her, there is hope.
It was in that moment that I really felt God talk to me. I was reminded that this is what I was called to do - to speak up and help kids advocate for themselves. I know God is going to help her through us at The Sanctuary, and I really feel like God is making me uncomfortable to help me grow and change so that I can help these kids.
I really am so blessed to be a part of The Sanctuary because, as much as I know we are changing lives, I really don’t think these kids know how much they are changing ours.'‘
- Raychel Modlin, Case Worker
Celebrating Our Foster Kids
In 2021, we had 111 foster kids come through our agency and into our care. We licensed 59 homes and offered 105 classes. That’s a lot of training! These numbers don’t reflect the many families that are currently in training when 2021 came to a close. It’s an exciting future for sure!
We celebrate when a child is able to achieve permanency through successful family reunification, and we had 11 kids do just that! We look forward to the development of our biological family mentorship program so that we can aid in the success of these reunifications.
We rejoice that 14 children found permanency in 2021 through adoption. We look forward to the development of our post adoption services in 2022 to extend our high level of support to families that have provided permanent sanctuary and healing homes through adoption.
Wraparound Care
Wraparound Care, founded on Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), is the cornerstone of our organization. From providing Therapy/Counseling and 24-Hour Crisis Intervention to utilizing trained volunteers to offer both Respite and Alternative Care, we work diligently to make every one of our foster homes a healing home.
Annie Atwood, Clinical Director, reports that for 2021, we had:
59 Individual Clients in Therapy
23 Homes Received In-Home Support Services
38 Homes/Individuals Certified to Provide Respite and Alternative Care
Something new! In 2021, we hosted a kick-off event for our new teen program and had 10 teens in attendance. It’s a good start!
Celebrating Our People
19 Staff Members
5 Board of Directors’ Members
11 Advisory Council Members
9 Church Partners
34 Community Partners
47 Business Sponsors
Our 120 volunteers serve in a variety of ways, from providing meals to mentoring to organizing supplies to hosting foster family events and more.
Did you know?
We have 4,875 followers on social media.
We had over 1,200 website visits a month.
Celebrating Our Community
We host foster and adoptive family events to help our families be in community and feel supported and loved. At an event this fall, one foster parent who was new to our agency said, “We just transferred in from another agency and I’m just blown away. We have been fostering for three years, and I have never seen any kind of support like this!”
When a family gets placed with a new foster child, our meal team provides 2 weeks of meals so that the family can focus on bonding and settling in from such a big adjustment. One family said, “Thank you all for the wonderful dinners. Your kindness means so much to our family. We are all still getting adjusted to our new normal. We hope and pray our family gets stronger and closer each day.”
Founded by believers who have been deeply impacted by the Gospel of Christ, we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ to every child and family in our care. While we are not a church, we do seek and receive support from local churches, both financially and personally through volunteering. We welcome local churches to extend and share the Gospel and grace of Christ by wrapping around our families and children.
Celebrating Your Generosity
These are donations that come from individuals and families.
These donations come from churches, businesses, and organizations.
This is funding we’ve applied for and received from grant foundations.
Thank you to everyone who donated, participated, and volunteered in the Creek 5K, Golf for a Cause, Gala, and Giving Tuesday!
Did you know?
We had 536 donors this year?
We have 17 out of our goal of 25 Transformational Donors (those who give at a level of $500/month or $6,000/year)?
We paid off our SBA loan?
We gave bonuses and added health insurance for our staff?